Artistic Roller Skating Course

Luckily, you’ve found my new Roll Skate Art course just in time! This is the complete package, filled with years of expert knowledge, custom-built to support you in your artistic roller skating journey. 

Now, you have everything that you need all in one convenient place.


Course Information

Learning to become an artistic roller skater is a unique and rewarding challenge.

Follow my instructions to discover all the best professional tips and techniques. Learn the secrets behind performing high caliber tricks, including impressive spins and graceful jumps. You will amaze people in and outside of the rink!

I’ve broken down each move into some basic steps with clear video and text instructions, designed specifically to help you become a quality skater. 

Each lesson contains a summary of the steps included; a video of the trick so you can see how it’s done; spoken directions to coach you through every motion; and a full written explanation. 

No more searching through old YouTube videos, scrolling through out-of-date websites, or combing Google for tricktionaries. 

What you'll learn

In this lesson I will teach you the first basic skill of skating. Learn how to hold your body and feel confident as you push yourself around.

This lesson covers a vital element of skating—how to stop! Learn to come to a relaxed and controlled standstill.

In this lesson you will learn the front cross. This essential skating skill will help you to glide around corners in a smooth and controlled way. 

In this lesson, I will teach you how to skate backwards beautifully. With this move you can turn corners and gather power.

Known as the spread-eagle, this move sees your toes pointing in opposite directions as you travel in a semicircle.

In this lesson, I will teach you how to perform steps and turns in a pattern using one foot and then the other, including up and down movements.

This lesson involves a combination of five individual steps. Master them all to perfect this impressive skating sequence. 

In this lesson you will learn a personal favourite of mine, considered one of the most beautiful figures in skating: the camel spin.

These moves require good strength and balance, so make sure you stretch your muscles before you attempt this lesson.

In this lesson you will learn the steps to performing the graceful waltz jump. Make a 180 degree turn and land on one leg!

Let’s learn the best known spin, called the two legs spin. This will be the first of many spins that you can master with my course. Become the king (or queen) of spins! 

Follow my step-by-step instructions to perform the graceful dying swan trick. This move is sure to turn heads wherever you go!

In this lesson you will learn the salchow. This is a jumping trick that looks truly amazing when it’s executed well. Get ready to level up your skating! 

So, you’ve completed the two leg spin. Naturally, it’s time to go one step further—or should I say ‘one leg less’? Prepare to learn the stunning one leg spin trick in your lesson today.

Frequently asked questions

If we’re talking about the ideal age to start, then 4 years old is perfect. At this age, kids learn easily and their bodies are more agile. 

But, don’t let age hold you back! I have students who are 40+ years old, and they are having tonnes of fun and skating beautifully. The key is that you must want it: then anything is possible.

Don’t worry if you think you’re not flexible. Flexibility is something that you can work on and actively improve, no matter your age.

In artistic roller skating there are four levels before you reach competition level. Some people can get there in four years or less, and some people take longer. If you are aiming to become a professional artistic roller skater, you should take all of the time that you need until you are ready. Everyone is different.

Some of the most popular choices for boots are Edea and Risport, and for wheels, Roll-Line. These brands are generally considered to produce the highest quality gear.

However, there are other options out there, such as Riedell, Moxi, and Skatermate.

There are different wheels for skating outside and skating inside. It’s important to use the correct wheel for each floor type to get the best performance.

Outdoor wheels are soft, and can stand up to more challenging terrain. They are also a bit wider, built to absorb shock from any debris and provide better grip.

Indoor wheels are harder; perfect for gliding around the smooth surface of a skating rink at high speed.

There are some exceptions. For example, if an indoor floor is particularly slippery then it may be necessary to pick a softer wheel for better grip and traction.

This topic has been the subject of debate, but my answer is: put simply, yes!

Many people continue to enjoy roller skating with the use of a cane, or a personal guide, after losing their sight. It’s also possible to learn to skate as a visually impaired person, as long as you are in the right environment and have enough determination.

Bike trails, skate trails, and rinks are the most convenient for blind skaters. They tend to have flat, clear paths, and well-maintained smooth surfaces that a visually impaired person can measure and become familiar with.

You can treat it as a hobby, or take it as seriously as you want. Like many things in life, it can be whatever you make of it.

Me? I am constantly working on my skating. This sport has taught me that if you put the work in, you will go far.

Others choose artistic skating because it’s fun, for the social aspect, or for the love of dance and expression through movement. Whatever your reason, the most important thing is that you enjoy yourself!

In some parts of the word it is really famous—for example in Spain, Italy, UK, USA, and South America. In recent years the sport has gained popularity in Asia, too.

Although artistic roller skating is very similar to figure skating (on ice), it hasn’t yet been recognised as an Olympic sport, however, it is included in the World Games.




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